
Amanda Mixson

I was born in San Jose, CA but moved around with my single mom every two to three years until I was eleven and we settled in Louisville, KY. Not all who wander are lost, but sometimes we were. Moving around so much afforded me a unique perspective on the world: everywhere we went, people were different. I grew up studying everyone around me, making up stories about all the subtle differences I encountered. That’s probably where my passion for storytelling started.

I moved to Los Angeles when I was seventeen, got my degree, and started a career in the fashion industry. In my free time I enjoyed writing and soon started working on my first novel. But that wasn’t my only hobby. I also loved pretending I could fly on the traveling rings at the Santa Monica Muscle Beach. After several years I realized corporate life in California just wasn’t the right fit for me. I traded the sun and beach for the rain and trees and moved to the Pacific Northwest. Now I’m a stay at home mom working as a freelance writer, editor, and designer and couldn’t be happier.

If you hold stock in these things, I’ll tell you I’m a libra and a dragon. My personality type is INFJ. I tend to have strong opinions concerning equality and diversity. If you’d like to read more about that, you can find articles I’ve written on my blog here or tumblr in the #soapbox category. I love reading, especially comics and translated webnovels. In my free time (with an infant at home, there isn’t a lot of that!) I make clothes and jewelry, play video games, and get together with my RPG group.

My drug of choice is a Soy London Fog and I prefer writing in Scrivener, editing in Word, and designing in Illustrator. My true-crime interest borders on obsession, but I still get a healthy dose of nature docs, sci-fi epics, and cartoons in my TV game. I’m probably the worst person to watch a movie with because I will constantly interrupt to tell you what’s about to happen and point out continuity errors or plot holes. Final Fantasy XII and The Long Dark are my favorite video games.

For the last four years I’ve been working with my partner on our DIY fixer-upper (and we’re very ready to be done!). During the pandemic I’ve come to realize that I might be asocial, which is probably why I’m so bad at social media.

Amanda Mixson

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